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5 Most Common Injuries in Auto Crashes

5 Most Common Injuries in Auto Crashes

Police across the nation reported 7.277 million vehicle crashes to the The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2016. Of those crashes, only 2.177 million people received injuries.

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Top Summertime Injuries & How to Avoid Them

Top Summertime Injuries & How to Avoid Them

The summer season is inching closer and closer. Summer is known for its warm weather and sunshine, but many people do not realize that summer is also the season of serious accidents. Here’s a look at some of the most common summertime accidents:

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I Tripped in a Store. What Should I Do?

I Tripped in a Store. What Should I Do?

Retailers are legally obligated to maintain safe conditions on their properties at all times to ensure their customers are not injured while shopping. But unfortunately, some retailers fail to fulfill this legal obligation. Customers can trip over a number of things inside a retail store, including items that have fallen off of the shelves, uneven flooring, torn carpeting, and product fixtures.

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Can You Have A Medical Malpractice Case Regardless Of Age?

Can You Have A Medical Malpractice Case Regardless Of Age?

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, behind only heart disease and cancer. Errors made by healthcare providers cause over 250,000 deaths per year, which is roughly 10% of annual deaths in the U.S. These errors also cause tens of thousands of non-fatal injuries as well. Based on these statistics, it is clear that medical malpractice is a serious problem.

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Should I Go To The Hospital After A Car Crash?

Should I Go To The Hospital After A Car Crash?

There are approximately 4 million emergency room visits related to car accidents every year in the United States. The people who visit emergency rooms after a car accident suffer a wide range of injuries from whiplash and other soft tissue injuries to head trauma and spinal cord damage.

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How Do I Know If I Have A Wrongful Death Case?

How Do I Know If I Have A Wrongful Death Case?

Wrongful death claims are civil cases that are brought against defendants responsible for someone else’s death. A wrongful death claim allows the family members of the victim to seek justice against the defendant

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The Dangers Of Overloaded Or Improperly Loaded Trucks

The Dangers Of Overloaded Or Improperly Loaded Trucks

There are a number of factors that can contribute to the cause of a truck accident, including a distracted driver, fatigue, bad weather, poorly maintained vehicle, and malfunctioning parts. One factor that is often overlooked is the truck’s cargo.

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